I remember a day when worship happened instinctively.
The sky was bright with the setting sun.
As the sun bounced it’s rays on the clouds the sky turned gold, then pink, then purple.
I stopped watering my begonias for a minute and worshiped.
I have to admit that too often the only worshiping I do is at church on Sunday morning. And sometimes what I am doing in the sanctuary can’t even be called worship. Even though my mouth may be mumbling words of praise, my mind wanders to my grocery list, my upcoming appointments, and just where the lady in front of me got that cute dress.
But I want to learn to praise my awesome God who deserves adoration. So this week I am asking God to teach me to worship.

Scripture tells us:
Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name;
worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness. Psalm 29:2
Here are some ways of worship I have already tried:
- Praying the psalms. I knelt down at my chair and prayed through psalms of praise like Psalms 8, 19, 29, and 33. I spoke them out loud.
- Listening to praise music. I pulled up a praise station on Pandora and worshiped along with the music for 15 minutes.
- Spontaneous worship. I looked for glimpses of God in my ordinary day like the spectacular sunset or a butterfly flitting around my garden. I praised God for His beauty evident in creation.
Here are some ways I am going to try in the future:
- A new setting. I am planning to go to a church that I do not regularly attend that has a beautiful sanctuary. I want to go when the place is quiet so I can worship in solitude.
- Create a worship board. I want to make a visual tool for adoration. Using pictures of things that remind me of God, I will create a photo collage.
- Using hymns. Great hymns like “How Great Thou Art” and “A Mighty Fortress is Our God” inspire praise when we really study the words. I am planning to memorize the words to some classic hymns.
As I expand my worship experience, I hope to become a more proficient praiser of my awesome God!
Next step: Which of the worship experiences above sound interesting to you? Choose one and implement it this week. Whatever you decide to do, do it for the Almighty God.
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