On Christmas Day at our church, we have a traditional c
If no one calls out “What Child is This?” I raise my hand and request this favorite carol. I love the minor harmonies, the haunting melody, and, of course, the words.
One of my favorite lines is:
The King of kings salvation brings,
Let loving hearts enthrone Him.
How amazing that the King of kings came not only to live on

Enthrone Him
Unfortunately, I don’t usually stop long enough to think about this. Especially at Christmas time. I’m rushing around buying gifts, practicing for services, attending get-togethers. Not much time to think.
Maybe that’s why I love the words of the ancient carol. While I’m singing, “Let loving hearts enthrone Him,” perhaps I’ll pause long enough to consider what those words really mean.
The apostle Peter says something similar in his first epistle:
Sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts. (1 Peter 3:15 NASB)
The word sanctify means to set something apart from the rest as holy and sacred. Of course, Christ is already holy. We cannot make Him more sacred or sanctified. So this verse encourages us to change our personal view of Him. It directs us to set Him apart from all the rest of the stuff in our hearts.
Our English word Lord comes from the Greek word
As a recovering control freak, this does not come naturally to me. I like to plan out my schedule. I prefer to make the decisions in my life. Enthroning Christ means I allow Him to plan the schedule and make the decisions. Truthfully, there have been times when God and I have had differences about which way my life should go. I have struggled to release my grip on my life.
Loving Hearts
What I find so amazing is that God knows this. And so He sits back and waits. While He waits, He reminds me of His love–a love that compelled a Father to send His only Son to a broken world. A love that made a King come to earth as a baby in a cow’s feeding trough. A love that drove the Lord of the universe to a criminal’s death on a cross. All to save me.
Jesus waits because He will never force me to enthrone Him. He doesn’t want me to give Him control of my heart out of fear. He waits for me to do it out of love. “Loving hearts enthrone Him.”
So, as I sing “The King of kings salvation brings, let loving hearts enthrone Him” this Christmas, I will remember the love of a King and prayerfully, thankfully, lovingly, seat Him on His rightful throne in my heart.
Next step: Listen to What Child is This and prayerfully sing along.
For another reflection on a Christmas carol click here.
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