These days we all feel like we are on the road to nowhere. We feel stuck in a time warp, thrown into an alternate reality that we never wanted. What can we do in times like these?
When I visit my mother, I need to take a four-hour drive from my house in Illinois to hers in Wisconsin. Part of the drive takes me through some medium-sized cities where I have to pay attention to highway signs and watch for merging traffic. Another section of road takes me through a scenic part of the state of Wisconsin where I enjoy the sight of curving roads through rolling hills studded with tall trees.
But the last hour and a half of the drive is boring. The road is almost completely straight. There is practically no traffic and the view out the window is not particularly interesting. Because the sight of an occasional dairy cow or weathered barn doesn’t do much to keep me awake, I have to break out my snacks, roll down the window a bit, and crank up the sound on the car stereo in order to keep my eyes open.
Right now my life feels like that stretch of road to my mother’s house. Day after day of nothing much. Every day I wake up, exercise, eat breakfast, work at the computer, teach a few piano lessons on Zoom, clean the house, cook for my family, and go to bed. The next day I wake up, exercise, eat breakfast, work at the computer, teach a few piano lessons on Zoom, clean the house, cook for my family, and go to bed. The next day I….
Perhaps you have some of the same feelings. I mean, life feels like one long drive that goes nowhere. We do the same routine day after day, but right now we can’t even see an end to this journey.
So you might be asking: What can I do while stuck on this boring stretch of road? Two things: Stay on the road and watch the signs.
Stay on the Road
The only reason I continue on that road to my mother’s house is because I know it is the quickest route there. When I reach that boring stretch of road on the way to my mother’s house, I could veer off toward scenic Wisconsin Dells. I could pull off the highway to tour a quaint little town or visit a state park I’ve never seen. But if I did, it would only delay my visit to my mother.
Right now we don’t have much choice about our road. My state of Illinois has extended the stay-at-home rule until the end of May. So I need to continue on the boring stretch of road that is coronavirus isolation.
However, I do have a choice about how I will travel this less-than-exciting route. I can complain every mile of the road OR I can accept this path my life needs to take.
This is not only true in these coronavirus times. To tell, the truth, my life has not changed that much. And I sometimes wish I had a more interesting life. I wish I could veer off and try something more exciting, but if I did, it would delay my arrival at my purpose. The only reason I keep doing what I’m doing is because that what God has told me to do. For now. Perhaps someday He will have an exciting mission for me. But for now, He has asked me to live in a Chicago suburb, write a few encouraging words each day, and love and care for my family. This road is the quickest route to the life God has for me.
When we accept the road God has placed us on, we are then in a good position to read the signs.

Read the Signs
When I’m on the road to my mother’s house, I still need to pay attention to the signs, or I will miss the exit to her street. If I’m totally engrossed in an audiobook or hypnotized by the straight road, I might not see the sign that points me to my destination.
The same is true in life. If I’m stuck in the pain about this current situation or hypnotized by my constant grumbling, I might miss the signs God has for me about where He wants me to go, what He wants me to do right now, right here.
Today I listened to a podcast by Kendra Hidachi at The Lazy Genius where she talked about a question posed by Myquillin Smith. She invited us to ponder, “When I look back at this time, what will I wish I would have done?”
Excellent question, right?
But even more than that question, I want to ask, “God, what would you have me do during this time? When I look back at this historic time, I want to see that I followed You, that I looked out for the signs You placed in my path to point me in the right direction.”
The Bible tells us:
Do what God tells you. Walk in the paths he shows you: Follow the life-map absolutely, keep an eye out for the signposts… then you’ll get on well in whatever you do and wherever you go. 1 Kings 2:3 MSG
I’ve found that those long stretches of life where nothing much seems to be happening can be the route to the life God has planned for you.
I hear God speaking to me, to you: When it seems like you’re on the road to nowhere, just keep listening to Me. Look in my Word for signs pointing the way. Don’t lose hope. Though this way doesn’t seem very appealing, it’s the best road to get to where I want you to be. Trust Me.
So, set aside a couple of minutes. Grab a pad of paper. Find a comfortable chair and open your Bible. Pray and ask God, “What exactly do You want me to do in this unusual time? What do You want to teach me? What can I gain from this unprecedented stretch of boring road?”
Perhaps like many, this time at home means a good time to declutter your home and your life. This can be a wonderful exercise to lighten your load, rid yourself of unnecessary material distractions. (If you want a little help, check out my free ebook Finding Enough: a 7-Day Jumpstart to Decluttering Your Life.
Or maybe you want to spend more time in God’s Word, but you are busier than ever with working from home while home schooling your children. Check out my series of articles on Bible Study for Busy People.
Most of all, let’s take advantage of this time when our schedules have slowed down. Although we miss connection with people, this period of time without the constant hum of meetings, rehearsals, and sporting events gives us a unique opportunity to slow down enough to hear God’s voice. Check out my article on the spiritual discipline of Slowing.
If you are doing what God has asked you to do right now, you are going the right way. Don’t try to veer off. Don’t grumble about wanting something more exciting. This is the way to your Father’s house.
Next step: Set aside a few minutes. Grab your Bible and a journal or pad of paper. Ask God what He wants you to do during this historic time. In His Word, He will show you the signs.
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