One day, when our children were ages three and six, my husband came home from work and announced, “Let’s homeschool next year.”
My first thought was, “That’s easy for you to say since you wouldn’t be the one doing it.”
My second thought was, “I’ve already told God that homeschooling is something I would NEVER do.”
Submission is a spiritual discipline. Not necessarily in submitting to our husbands or to figures of authority–although God may deal with us in those areas as well. I’m talking about submission to God. Surrendering to God’s will for our lives is a way to demonstrate our trust in His goodness and love.
Lent is a time when we often give up something–a sacrifice of a food or activity that will help us remember the sacrifice Jesus made for us. When I read the Gospels I am astounded by Christ’s constant sacrifice for us on earth. Not only a surrender of His life on the cross but a daily sacrifice of His own preferences–a submission to the Father’s will.
Jesus’ prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane informs us that the sacrifice on the cross was not easy. He asked if there was any other way to accomplish the Father’s plan, but He added, “Not as I will, but as You will.” And even before Gethsemane, Jesus often said that His purpose was to do the Father’s will. He gave up a lot when He came to earth. In heaven, Jesus was worshipped; on earth, He was questioned and ridiculed. In heaven, Jesus never experienced hunger or pain; on earth, His stomach growled and His feet probably developed blisters. But when God asked Jesus to give up His life for unworthy humans, Jesus didn’t stamp those feet and declare–like I did–“That is something I will NEVER do.” He submitted to the will of the Father.
All those years ago when my husband suggested homeschooling, I told my husband I would look into it. I had no intention of actually educating my children at home, but my plan was to do a little research and then inform my husband that it wasn’t for us. Trouble was, as I was reading about homeschooling, I could feel the Spirit’s gentle nudge that this was God’s plan for us. I didn’t want to homeschool, but eventually, I submitted my will to God’s idea and enjoyed fifteen wonderful years of educating my children.
Is the Lord asking you to exercise the Spiritual discipline of Submission? Maybe you already sense God asking you to do something that you are not exactly thrilled about. Perhaps you’ve already drawn a line in the sand and told God, “Never.” But God is drawing you to Himself reminding you of His great love and that He has wonderful plans for your life. All He asks is that we trust Him.
Pray, asking the Father if there is something you need to surrender in order to grow in faith. Ask Him:
- Are You nudging me to do something that’s out of my comfort zone?
- Is there dream or goal that I have that is not in Your plan?
- Is there a hobby, activity, or organization that I need to give up in order to spend more time with You?
- Lord, is there something wonderful You have for me that I haven’t even thought of?
As we remember Christ’s sacrifice on the cross, let us also ask God if there is something in our own lives that we need to surrender. It is never easy to give up our own ideas, our own plans, our own dreams, but God promises that He has something wonderful planned for us.
For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. Jeremiah 29:11
He is ready to give us more than we have ever dreamed.
Next step: Download this resource with Scriptures about Christ’s submission to the Father’s will. This week contemplate Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf. Then ask the Father if there is anything you need to surrender.
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