false guilt Archives - Sharla Fritz

Spring Cleaning: Let’s Throw Out False Guilt

Spring Cleaning-False Guilt 

When I’m cleaning out my closet, the hardest things for me to throw out are the items I feel guilty about not wearing. I see the gray slacks I bought at one of my favorite stores–slacks I paid a lot of money for–slacks that I was sure would be an asset to my wardrobe. Guess what, I have only worn them twice.

Guilt over spending good money on them prevents me from tossing them out. I think: Surely I’ll wear them next year.

However, a wardrobe expert would advise me to purge the gray slacks. After all, they are simply taking up room in my closet. Eliminating them would simplify my choices and erase the guilt I feel when I see them.
Guilt. It’s something we should toss.

There are two kinds of guilt. Genuine guilt is necessary in our lives. Guilt is what makes us realize that we need a Savior. It is what makes us turn to Jesus for forgiveness. 

But once we have confessed our sins, Christ forgives us and He tosses out our guilt. As far as He is concerned, our mistakes, our missteps, our out and out disobedience are all in the garbage can. Our guilt is set out on the curb, ready to be taken away and never seen again.

Sometimes when I clean out my closet, I put the rejects in a box in the basement–just until a charity calls for a donation of used clothing. I have been known to go back down to the box to retrieve an item and bring it back to my closet.

Do you ever go back into the garbage can where God has placed your guilt only to drag it out again?

I know I have. But that is false guilt. As women, we tend to be good at spiritual dumpster-diving. We tend to rehash things in our minds that have long been forgiven and forgotten by God.

Spring Cleaning-False GuiltPIN

Micah 7:19 tells us what God does for us,

Once again you will have compassion on us. You will trample our sins under your feet and throw them into the depths of the ocean!

Wow! Not only has God thrown out my sin and guilt, but He has thrown them into the depths of the sea. Even better than putting them in the trash can where I can easily run out to the curb to get them back again.
Leave guilt in its place. Go to God for forgiveness and watch Him throw out your sins never to be seen again. When you’re tempted to retrieve them, picture your guilt at the bottom of the ocean.
Throw out false guilt.

Next step: Have you been spiritual dumpster-diving? Remember, if you have confessed your sin and believe in Christ’s redeeming work done on the cross, you are forgiven! Post Micah 7:19 to remind yourself that God has thrown your sins away!