Spring is here–at least according to the calendar. So it’s time to do a little spring cleaning.
For me, spring cleaning involves vacuuming under the furniture (It’s amazing how much dust can accumulate under beds and behind desks!) And doing jobs I tend to neglect. (The other day I hit a lampshade with the vacuum and the shade changed from gray to white!)
My spring cleaning ritual also involves sorting out my closet. It’s time to get out my spring and summer clothes and store the bulky winter items. Time to reassess my wardrobe and toss out the clothes that aren’t working for me anymore.
But let’s not stop with spring cleaning our homes and closets–let’s do a little spring cleaning of the heart. It’s time to toss out things we thought would fit us and make us feel good, but actually make us uncomfortable and miserable.
First on the list–comparison.
If Comparison 101 were offered as a college course, most of us women would have no trouble earning an A+ in that class.
We tend to compare our figures and our hair. We measure up our homes and decor. We look at our friends’ purses, cell phones, shoes, jewelry…and wonder if ours are as good.
But comparison rarely leads to anything positive. It may lead to pride if today’s comparison makes me feel a little better than someone else.
Or it may lead to feeling like a failure if in my current comparison I am not as thin or beautiful or successful or…
Comparison seems like a natural fit, but it always chafes and irritates our hearts. It’s time to throw it out.
Read God’s Word:
I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:10
When I read that I hear God whispering:
Don’t compare yourself to others, because I purposely made you just as you are.
I put you together with careful craftsmanship and intentional quality.
Don’t second-guess Me and wonder why I didn’t make you more like “her.”
I love you exactly as you are.
It’s time to throw out comparison. Accept yourself as God’s workmanship.
Next step: Read the words of Psalm 139:10. Turn them into a prayer that you repeat whenever you’re tempted to compare yourself to someone else today.
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