Finding your true self–it’s a quest we are all on.
Because too often we live in a disguise.
Did you put on your funny self today to hide the pain in your heart? Did you dress up in the competent, confident self even though you feel like a failure? Are you wearing the bubbling, outgoing self to cover up the loneliness inside?
We’ve all been there.
We don’t think anyone will love the real person inside and so we cover up the authentic self with a closet full of disguises. Or we’ve neglected the true self for so long we aren’t even sure who that is anymore.
God Loves Your Authentic Self
God is in the business of resurrecting our true selves. We can find that authentic person when we believe that God truly loves us as we are. Not the disguise. Not the mask. He loves our authentic self.
Now, finding that authentic self sometimes requires a bit of discomfort as Jesus peels away the masks we have been wearing. Jesus said:
Self-sacrifice is the way, my way, to finding yourself, your true self. What kind of deal is it to get everything you want but lose yourself? What could you ever trade your soul for? Matthew 16:26 (MSG)
Self-sacrifice sounds painful. But don’t worry–Jesus’ work is gentle. Even as He asks us to give up one of our false identities, He fills us with His love and grace. And when we do make that sacrifice, we often feel a sense of relief. Release in not trying to be someone we are not.

Today ask God to reveal to you any masks you have been wearing.
Feel the freedom of being your true self as you allow Him to peel the mask away.
Remember Christ loves the real you.
Next Step: Ask yourself, “What masks do I sometimes wear? Ask God to reveal the disguises Satan tempts you to put on. Pray that God will gently peel away any masks and rest in the knowledge that He loves you–the authentic you.
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