Sharla Fritz has been described as an amazing eye-opening speaker and author. She helps women who feel they are pulled in a hundred different directions find soul rest by helping them connect to Christ–the Healer of souls. By delving into God’s Word, she helps her readers discover their next step of faith.
Sharla’s books Measured by Grace, God’s Relentless Love, Waiting, and others have given thousands of women the tools to dig into Scripture and experience a transformation of their attitudes and heart. With light-hearted stories and thought-provoking applications she makes Bible study fun and uplifting.
Sharla has also contributed to the books Heaven Calling and The Household Money Organizer. Her articles have appeared on the popular (in)courage site and in Today’s Christian Woman, Just Between Us, and Lutheran Women’s Quarterly.
Stitching her messages with humor and honesty, Sharla speaks to hundreds of women each year at retreats, luncheons, and moms groups. She is a Toastmaster Competent Communicator and alum of Carol Kent’s Speak Up! Seminars.
Sharla makes her home in the Chicago area where she is also a pastor’s wife, mother, grandmother, musician, and confirmed chocoholic. And if she isn’t sitting at her piano or computer, you might find her stalking fabulous fashion finds at the local resale shop.
And now for the fun stuff!

I live in the Chicago suburbs with an amazing, amusing husband who can still make my heart go pitty-pat and my sides ache with laughter. He pastors a church and is also known for his wood-working skills, computer savvy, and heart for helping hurting people. Together we shared the adventure of homeschooling for 15 years with our two children. They are all grown up and married now. Our son and his wife live in Missouri. Our daughter, her husband, and their five children lived in China for almost 10 years but now reside in Illinois.
In my other life I am a church musician and piano teacher. I love traveling, going out to lunch with friends, and reading. If I’m not sitting at the piano or my computer you might find me at the thrift store stalking fabulous fashion finds.
More fun facts:
- My mother found the name “Sharla” in our local paper in a list of members of a Brownie troop.
- The year after high school graduation I toured the country with a Christian band named Joy, Inc. We traveled in a converted school bus dubbed Miracle White.

- I love dark chocolate.
- My favorite movies are The Sound of Music, It’s a Wonderful Life, and While You Were Sleeping.
- I am a recovering control freak.
- I met my husband because he saw my picture in the newspaper.
- One of my favorite books is Christy by Catherine Marshall.

- I lived in Montana for 3 years–Big Sky Country!
- I’m a klutz.
- I would love to learn how to tap dance (but previous fun fact makes this difficult).
- I love being in the mountains–they remind me of God’s majesty!
- I can never remember the punchline to a joke. So stop me if I start to tell one.
- I am incredibly grateful for the amazing family and friends God has put in my life.