A few years ago I went to a cosmetics expert at a department store and asked for a mouth makeover. Patty, my makeup artist for the day, first used an exfoliator that softened my lips by removing dead skin and rough spots. Then she used a product that moisturized, repaired, and plumped my lips. The next step in my mouth makeover was a lip liner used to define my lips and to help the lipstick adhere. Patty followed that with a long-lasting lip color in a gorgeous neutral color. Finally, she added a dab of sparkly lip gloss in the middle of my lips to add a bit more shine.
If I had wanted to, I also could have purchased lip balm, lip primer, and lip sealer.
Who knew it took so many products to achieve the perfect pout?
All this got me thinking–could it be possible to have a true mouth makeover? Certainly obtaining the perfect shade of lipstick is not an issue of eternal significance. But what if I could change the shade of my words and not just the color of my lips? Could I get a mouth makeover that really mattered?
I’m not likely to pay $50 for a fancy lipstick, but if I could, I would pay twice that to buy a lip product that would enable me to say just the right thing at just the right time. I would definitely purchase the lipstick that would prevent me from nagging at my husband. I would pay dearly for the lip gloss that would stop me before I yelled at my kids.
Unfortunately, I’ve never seen any products like that advertised–not even on the Home Shopping Network.
Even though there are no miracle lipsticks, I decided to pursue a Mouth Makeover anyway.

I began by searching through the Bible for all the verses about our mouths. And it turns out there a quite a lot of them. Did you know that in the book of Proverbs alone there are 108 verses about our lips, tongues, and mouths? Hmm…perhaps God thinks a Mouth Makeover is important too?
I spent a year studying what God had to say about our words and then striving to put them into practice. I often messed up, but gradually I made fewer mouth mistakes. I began to understand the power of words.
I wrote what I learned in my book, Bless These Lips, so you could embark on your own Mouth Makeover.
This book helps us to go to our Heavenly Makeup Artist for a true Mouth Makeover. God will help us use a spiritual version of an exfoliator to scrub off our negative words. He can teach us to use a soothing lip balm that will help us to spread encouragement. His Word, like a fully stocked cosmetics bag, has all the tools necessary to beautify our lips with praise and truth.
I certainly still have a long way to go in my own Mouth Makeover, but over the past year I have seen that making an effort in changing my words has improved my relationships. Changing what came out of my mouth affected my attitude toward life. Altering my tongue’s response enriched my connection to God as I spent more time in prayer and praise.
And something my husband said last week made all my efforts worth it. I realized he could see a difference in my speech when he casually remarked, “Thanks for being so nice this past year–really nice.”
I hope that my book will help you in your own Mouth Makeover. As you study what God has to say about our words in His Word, I pray you will realize:
God has given you a unique mission to speak His words of love and grace to a lost and discouraged world.

To find out more about Bless These Lips and how it can help you share words that encourage and transform the people in your lives, check it out here and here.
I shared this post on Facebook, subscribed, and I know I would use the lip sealer of discretion. I’m great at keeping confidences, unless it’s my own. Sometimes I’m afraid I over share and perhaps over compensate. I want people to connect with me, and instead of asking more about them, I focus on myself and what else I can say. Sealing my mouth would allow me to hear more of what others are saying and needing. Thank you for your Bible studies.
Thanks Jill! You are so right that the lip sealer of discretion is so important! It’s so easy to say more than you really mean to. Thankfully the Holy Spirit is there to help us!
I subscribed to your post even though I’ve been following your website for awhile. I’m a little behind the times because this is the first time I ever ‘shared a post’! (on Facebook).
I don’t want to choose between the three-I want to purchase all of them!
But if I have to choose, it will be the lip-gloss of thankfulness. Because when I’m thankful to God, I can rest in Him, no matter what is going on in my life. Quite frankly, when I’m thankful for His gifts, it makes me feel better.
What a great thought Debbie! I totally agree–when I am grateful for all Christ has given me, I feel better too! Isn’t it wonderful how that works! Keep wearing the lip-gloss of thankfulness!
Hi Sharla, I shared on Facebook, have been a subscriber for months, and I would choose a Lip Gloss of Thankfulness. I recognize that one of my stumbling blocks is grumbling. A grumbling stumbler. Err. (See what I mean!) God has blessed me with so much — most of all, Jesus who lives in me and so I have no reason to complain. I need to take joy and be thankful in all things.
Blessings, Lucy
Thanks Lucy! Sometimes it is really hard not to complain. I find myself doing it too. One thing I really appreciate about the Psalms is that David does complain–but directly to God–not to others. He takes his problems directly to the One who can help and ends up praising the One for the help he knows is coming. So now when I feel like complaining, I try to do the same thing!
I would take the lip sealer of discretion. With so many children in the house it is too easy to speak without thinking of how my words will affect the hearer.
You are amazing Patty! And I know that you are a very encouraging mom. The lips sealer of discretion is important for all of us. Thankfully the Holy Spirit helps us to think before we speak!
The lip gloss of thankfulness because I am truly too blessed to be stressed and I am rarely appreciative or thankful for it. I have a tendency to see the glass half empty instead of half full and feel very ashamed of that despite my efforts at trying to turn that around.
Victoria, I love the phrase, “too blessed to be stressed”! I think we all have a tendency to look at what we don’t have instead of what we do have. Maybe we can all remember to say a little “Thank You” prayer every time we put on our lipstick or lip gloss!
Even if there weren’t a contest, I’d be delighted to share your link on my fb page, which I did.
I’d chose the Lip Balm of Encouragement. Encouragement is one of the gifts God has given me. And when I use it to help others, I not only get a great feeling inside, it also helps me grow as a Christian. The best way to get over your own problems is to go and help someone get over theirs. Thus, it is a win-win situation.
Thanks Sandi for sharing! You are a great encourager and you are so right that the best way to get over your own problems is so comfort and encourage someone else. Thank you for your gift of encouragement!