Good-bye 2020! Hello 2021! 2020 certainly had its challenges and we all hope for a better year ahead, but before we leave it behind, it helps to take stock of time past. So, let’s look at the top 10 posts of 2020.
If you missed any of these, you can catch up now!
10 Reminders of God’s Relentless Love For You

This article seems to be the one people turn to the most when they need to remember that God’s love never fails! God’s Word is always available as a continual source of I-love-yous. This post has a list of some of my favorite Scripture passages that speak of God’s constant love for you.
Five Creative Ways to Encourage Someone

When we feel tired and discouraged we all need someone to come alongside and encourage us. Hebrews 10:24 instructs us to give each other that needed encouragement: Let’s see how inventive we can be in encouraging love and helping out. (MSG). This post has five ways we can share positive words with the people in our lives.
When You’re Feeling Overwhelmed: Do One Thing

It’s no wonder this post was popular in 2020. We all felt overwhelmed! This post talks about what I did in a season of overwhelm when my husband was diagnosed with cancer. It also talks about my book Distracted that can help you live a more focused life.
When You’re Feeling Unsettled, Dissastified

Recognize that unsettled, dissatisfied sensation in your soul? This post may help you as you discover that God already knows what you need and provides it for you!
Three Ways to Cool Down Angry Words

How can we cool down our angry words before they search and destroy like heat-seeking missiles? This post contains three suggestions to put into practice.
4 Reasons To Care For Your Soul

We often neglect the care of our soul. After all, it doesn’t scream in pain or announce a problem with a 102 degree fever. We may neglect the soul for a long time before it demands attention, but this post has four reasons not to neglect this important part of ourselves.

10 Ways God’s Love Changes You

This post talks about an experiment I tried in daily contemplating God’s unfailing love for me. The results made me search through God’s Word for the ways His love transforms my life. Find out about the experiment and the transforming nature of God’s love here.
The Essential Guide to Verse Mapping: Step One

Do you need a fresh new way to study the Bible in 2021? If you haven’t tried verse mapping before you’ll want to look at this post which is the first in a series of five articles outlining the process. I love the way this study technique helps me dive deep into a Bible passage.
Live Like You’re Loved

This post talks about how we can live loved. It describes one practice that we can use to immerse ourselves in God’s love. You’ll also discover how to get my free ebook, LIVE LOVED: 5 Practices to Fully Experience God’s Relentless Love.
A Love Affair With God

How do you view your relationship with the Lord? As a set of dos and don’ts with a judge? Or as a passionate love affair with God? This post will show you how God wants to have an intimate relationship with you. Also, learn about my new book, God’s Relentless Love: A Study of Hosea.
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