This article about a different kind of resolution first appeared on Patheos. Read the intro here and then click to read more!
It’s that time again. Time to make New Year’s resolutions. Every year we attempt to write down a list of goals we hope to accomplish. Some of my goals are to do more: organize my photos, read twenty books that I already own, finally clean my messy garage. Other intentions center around improving myself: exercise more, eat healthier, control my Netflix addiction.
Certainly, I am not alone. Every year the top resolutions people make include: lose weight, get organized, learn a new skill, or save more money. We strive to accomplish and achieve.
Yet, most of us never complete those goals or carry out our resolutions. One study showed that only 46 percent of people who made resolutions actually succeeded in accomplishing them. Maybe you’re among those people and have already broken the promises you made to yourself!
Perhaps we need a different kind of fresh start as a nation, a different kind of resolution. What if, instead of trying to be or achieve more, we resolved to simply be who we are—beloved by God?
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