O God of peace and wholeness,
When the pages of social media are filled with hate and controversy,
Grant us Your peace.
When we feel the stress and strain of this political season,
Grant us Your peace.
When we want to shout our opinions louder than the others,
Grant us Your peace.
When we are tempted to look for completeness in the fabric of this world,
Grant us Your peace.

O God of unity and oneness,
When we want to state our political opinion without considering the other side,
Grant us Your unity.
When differing opinions tend to drive wedges instead of create bonds,
Grant us Your unity.
When we forget how You spoke truth, yet respected each person,
Grant us Your unity.
When our viewpoints start to matter more than our bonds in Christ,
Grant us Your unity.
O God of love and faithfulness,
When judgment becomes more common than kindness,
Grant us Your love.
When we start to despise others for their differing viewpoints,
Grant us Your love.
When resentment, indignation, and animosity push respect and consideration out of our hearts,
Grant us Your love.
When we forget Your primary commandments to love You and love people,
Grant us Your love.
O God of peace, unity, and love,
let us remember that Your peace is available even when the world is in turmoil, that You desire Your people to live in unity, and that You love us unconditionally. Give us the conviction to share Your truth in love and the faith to pray, “Your will be done.”

“Speak your mind and mind your speak” I saw this in the hallway of our church’s school when we had the school.
Dawn, a very good thing to live by!