A while back I needed a new pair of black pants. This simple wardrobe item should have been easy to find but I needed to visit four of my favorite stores and try on at least 15 pairs of slacks before I found a pair that fit my shape and my height.
Why was I willing to put that much time and effort into finding one clothing item? Because black slacks or black skirts are wardrobe staples—fashion essentials.
This got me thinking, “If black slacks are a wardrobe staple, what is an essential item in my spiritual wardrobe?”
2 Peter 1:5-7 answered my question,
“For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.”
Peter talks about a lot of things that we are to add to our spiritual wardrobes like goodness, knowledge, and self-control. But what is the basic item that we add them to? Faith. Faith is the basic black skirt or pair of slacks that we build our spiritual wardrobes around.
In my closet, I may have a red jacket, burgundy sweater and a fuchsia blouse, but I can’t wear them alone. I need those black slacks. I may be trying to do good and gain spiritual knowledge and develop my self-control, but I can’t do it alone. I need faith. I need to trust my Savior to help me live a virtuous life. I need to rely on the Holy Spirit to teach me and give me knowledge. I need to depend on God for self-control.
The good news about faith is that I don’t have to hunt through retail stores to find it—it’s a gift from God!
Where is Your Faith?
When I read through the Gospels I am amazed at how many times Jesus asks, “Where is your faith?” or a similar question. Here are some examples:
“Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples. (Luke 8:25)
“O unbelieving and perverse generation,” Jesus replied, “how long shall I stay with you and put up with you?” (Luke 9:41)
Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” (Matthew 14:31)
Doesn’t Jesus sound a tad impatient in these passages? I may be reading between the lines, but it sounds to me like Jesus was thinking, “Oh man, I can’t understand this. I fed five thousand people with a few buns and a couple of fish, I calmed a stormy sea, and healed people of incurable diseases–and they still don’t trust me!”
Lack of faith really seems to bother Jesus. And I don’t blame Him. He gave up a comfy life in heaven to live with us for a while. He exhibited His power with astounding miracles. He demonstrated His care and concern by attending to people’s needs. Yet at times His followers showed a lack of faith, a shortage of trust in His power and goodness.
Sometimes I have also exhibited a lack of trust in God. I have complained to Him that things were not going my way. I have grown impatient when I felt my prayers have gone unanswered for far too long. I have wondered if God has even heard me.
It’s then I am haunted by Jesus’ question, “Where is your faith?”
Increase Our Faith
Honestly, there are times when I feel like my faith has simply walked out the door. I go through a dry season spiritually. Or life circumstances stir up doubt. Or I become apathetic and lazy and ignore my Savior’s calls to spend time in His Word.
The writer of Hebrews tells us, “Without faith it is impossible to please God” (Hebrews 11:6). I know this. And so I don’t want to be a doubting Thomas. I don’t want to live in distrust and disbelief. Yet, where do I go when I need faith? Unlike, the black pants I needed, I can’t find faith in a store.
Once Jesus’ disciples approached Him and said, “Increase our faith” (Luke 17:5). I realize–this is what I can do when I’m having difficulty finding faith. I can pray that same prayer. After all, faith is a gift to begin with. Paul tells us that we have been saved by grace through faith and faith “is not from yourselves it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2:8).
So when doubt and distrust begin to fill our hearts, let’s pray the disciples’ prayer, “Increase our faith.” God is faithful. He will honor that prayer.
What else can we do when distrust is an unwanted visitor in our souls? I’ve had seasons of doubt and have found a few practical ways to keep my misgivings at bay.
In addition to praying the disciples’ prayer, here are a few practical steps I take when I feel low on faith:
1. I go to God’s Word. Black slacks are found at clothing stores. Faith-builders are found in God’s Word. Romans 10:17 says, “So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ.”
2. I find promises in God’s Word that strengthen my faith and give me something to hang onto. For instance, during a long period of waiting, I clung to Micah 7:7: “But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the LORD; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me.”
3. I sing. Great hymns like “Great is Thy Faithfulness or “How Great Thou Art” fuel my faith.
4. I remember all the tough times that God has already brought me through. This helps me to remember that He is faithful and trustworthy.
Let’s be thankful that we do not have to hunt through stores to find faith. God is more than willing to give it to us. We can find it in His Word, in His faithfulness in the past, and through His Spirit who grows that faith in our hearts.
Next step: Write the disciples’ short prayer—“Increase our faith”—on a sticky note. Place this in your Bible or by your bathroom sink to remind yourself to pray it often. Then pick one of the practical steps listed. May the Holy Spirit work in your heart to dispel doubt and distrust.
If you want to learn more about your spiritual wardrobe, check out my book: Divine Design.
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