My husband and I heard of an opportunity to take a fabulous vacation. The place sounded fascinating. We had never been there before.
But we said no.
Why? Because it wasn’t China. When we heard of the opportunity, we both looked at each other and said, “I don’t think so. The cost of that trip is worth half of a trip to China. And we’d rather save our money for China.”
Now until 2011 we had never had any desire to go to China. But when our daughter and her husband–and our grandchildren!–moved there, it suddenly became our number one vacation destination.
We soon began evaluating all of our major purchases in terms of trips to China. Because a trip to see our grandkids is better than almost anything else money can buy.
King David made a similar statement in Psalm 63:
Because your steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise you. (Psalm 63:3)
I have long loved that verse, but as I have been reading through the Psalms this Lenten season, the Holy Spirit highlighted this Scripture and asked me, “Do you believe this? Do you live as if God’s love is better than life itself?”
And I had to answer no.
God’s love is incredibly important, but I often live my life as if human relationships are more important. I have made recognition for my work a greater priority. I have valued shiny new things over God’s precious love.
So I wrote a prayer of confession:
“Lord, forgive me when I have not totally believed that Your love is better than life. When I have ignored that life-giving, restoring love and searched for meaning through accomplishments. When I have made human relationship more important than ours. When I have spent more time trying to amass things than I have spent with you.
Father remind me. Remind me that Your love is
better than recognition
better than being popular
better than wealth
better than having family close
Your love is better than life.”
A trip to China is better than most anything money can buy.
But God’s unfailing love is better than life.
Next step: Write your own prayer asking God to help you live as if His love is better than life.
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