We all need a little encouragement. That’s probably obvious to you. But does that fact motivate you to share encouraging words?
My Encourager
When I was in third grade, my teacher got sick. Really sick. In fact, she got cancer and left the classroom. In our little eight-year-old minds, my classmates and I wondered if she got sick because we were horribly bad kids. So we behaved like little angels for the string of substitute teachers that passed through our lives. Finally, a new permanent teacher came along–Miss Marquardt.
Little did I know that not only would Miss Marquardt get me through the rest of third grade–she would get me through the next few decades of my life. She was the kind of person that could see potential in someone else. She would name that potential, nurture it, water it, and help it grow.
Miss Marquardt saw musical potential in me. I’m not sure how she was able to spot it in my halting performances, but she did. Long after third grade she continued to encourage me by listening to me play the piano, giving me organ books, signing me up for an organ competition, and even driving me to the event.I think her belief in me was one of the reasons I persevered long enough to get a music degree.

Just One Encourager Can Make All the Difference
Not long ago I was talking with a fellow writer who is working on her doctorate. Her dissertation is studying the perseverance it takes to complete a Masters degree. Her research led her to look at women who pursue advanced degrees in math or science, because these areas are not traditionally female. It turned out that the women who were able to complete degrees in math or science all had at least one person who cheered them on. Maybe it was a parent. Maybe a spouse. Maybe a friend.
They had someone who saw their potential.
They had someone who nurtured the seed of their abilities.
They had someone who believed in them.
Who in Your Life Needs Encouragement?
We all need someone like that in our lives. Who in your family, in your workplace, in your church looks like they need a little encouragement?
It is our job as a member of the body of Christ to give that encouragement.
Notice potential. Name it, nurture it, and watch it grow.
Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing.
1 Thessalonians 5:11
Next step: Name one person in your life who needs some encouragement right now. Call them up. Or hit send on an uplifting email. Or put a note in the mailbox telling them you believe in them.
For more information on encouraging others and influencing your world with your words, check out my book: Bless These Lips.
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