What do you do when life punches you in the gut? When circumstances deliver a devastating blow?
2014 was a joyous year for us. Our son got married to a wonderful young woman. Our daughter and her family flew from China to join in the wedding. They spent two months here in the states–we had abundant opportunities to play with our grandchildren.
Then 2015 arrived–with news of cancer. My husband John was diagnosed with lymphoma. For months we reeled from this punch. Sometimes life hits you hard and you are totally unprepared.
I know that we are not the only ones who have been hit hard. Some of you have experienced your own illnesses, chronic pain, job losses, and financial difficulties. Maybe even all of these at once.

This leg of our journey wasn’t our most joyful, but this is how we tried to handle this devastating blow. In addition to finding the best doctors and medical care: I:
1. I found comfort in God’s Word. I searched through Scripture, hunting down all God’s promises of His presence and peace. Some of my favorites:
- May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him. Romans 15:13
- My Presence will go with you, and I will give you rest. Exodus 33:14
- Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear. Isaiah 65:24
2. I called on others to stand with us in prayer. It was hard to tell people the difficult news. We often broke down in a puddle of tears. Yet we felt incredible love and support from our church, our family, and our friends. One couple invited us over for chicken soup with a side of prayer when we first heard the news. Church members gave us innumerable hugs. A simple request for prayer on Facebook drew 100 comments.
3. I took time each day to focus on what really matters. Each year I choose one word for the year. Ironically, that year I chose the word focus. Well, there is nothing like shocking news to make you focus on what is truly important. At times, this was as simple as just sitting with my wonderful hubby and holding his hand. It was as uncomplicated as sitting quietly and soaking in God’s love.
I pray that our heavenly Father will strengthen you in whatever you are going through today. When life punches you in the gut, may these three simple steps help you find strength in the One who loves you and is holding your hand.

And if you’re interested in learning more about how to find focus in troubled times, check out my book Distracted: Finding Faith-Focus Habits in a Frenzied World. This book is a compilation of all the lessons I learned during that difficult year. The e-book is only $3.99!
My heart aches with you, Sharla and my prayers are with you both.