Wouldn’t you love to overhear someone say about you, “She’s got the look”? Well, you do! Some lessons from when I worked at a bridal salon explain why.
Years ago, I worked as a seamstress at the local wedding shop. I loved seeing the transformation I saw when a girl in shorts and flip flops came in and tried on her dress. Each woman instantly changed from an ordinary young lady to a dazzling beauty the moment I slipped the wedding gown over her head.
But when a girl came into the bridal salon for her fitting, it was very rare that the dress fit her perfectly. Yes, she was instantly transformed when I slipped the white satin over her head. She looked beautiful. But usually the dress needed a bit of work. Perhaps I would need to shorten the dress an inch. Or nip it in at the waist. Or let out a seam or two. I didn’t stop until the dress fit perfectly.
The Holy Spirit does the same for our spirits. Once we have received Christ, we are spectacularly changed. Galatians 3:26-27 tells us:
For in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith. For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.
When we are baptized into Christ we are clothed with Christ. He covers all of our mistakes and sins. We are beautiful in God’s eyes.
But while we are still on earth, we’re not perfect. So the Holy Spirit keeps on working. He alters our hearts by giving us faith and trust and hope. He shows us where we need to make a few adjustments and offers forgiveness at the Lord’s Table. He gives us the desire to look more and more like Christ.

When I altered a wedding dress, there were two possibilities. Either I needed to subtract a bit of the dress—shorten the skirt or take in the waist—or I had to add something to the dress—let out the side seams or add a bit of lace to the neckline. When the Holy Spirit works in our lives, He often needs to subtract from or add something to our lives.
Ask the Spirit to show you if there is something in your life that needs to be removed.
Do you need to subtract?
- a particular TV show
- friends that aren’t the best influences in your life
- hidden sins
- magazines that only make you feel bad about yourself
- trying to be perfect
Or is the Holy Spirit working to help you add something to your life to bring you closer to God.
Do you need to add?
- more time in God’s Word
- a more consistent prayer life
- trust in God’s goodness
- confidence that comes from God’s immense love for you
- friends that love the Lord
Let the Holy Spirit work. He will alter your spirit, making it even more beautiful. With each addition or subtraction, you will become more Christ-like. You will have the look—the look of Christ.
Next step: Spend some time in prayer. Thank God that He has transformed you by clothing you with Christ. Then ask Him: Do I need to add something to my life? Or subtract something?
This post was adapted from my new book for teen girls:
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