God’s Relentless Love takes readers on an eight-week journey through the book of Hosea. Although the Old Testament book of Hosea can be confusing and complicated, inside we can find reassurances of God’s redeeming and unfailing love. The story of a godly prophet with a wayward wife reminds us that we don’t have to be perfect or accomplished before we can come to God. He simply loves us because He is love.
Think about it for a second: The Lord and Creator of all things pursues you. He wants to know you. He loves you. God pursues an intimate relationship with you, just like Hosea pursued his wife Gomer.
God’s Relentless Love: A Study of Hosea has in-depth study, thought-provoking questions, and hands-on projects that will help you internalize the lessons you learn as you journey through Hosea. Plus, you can have access to videos related to each of the eight chapters in the book. These videos were filmed in Israel–so you can get a glimpse of the land where the prophet lived and worked. Learn more below!
This Bible study will help you:
- understand a complicated Old Testament book
- learn about the historical time of Hosea
- discover what Hosea’s message meant to his contemporaries
- discern what the prophet’s message means to New Testament believers
- immerse yourself in God’s relentless love for you
You can order God’s Relentless Love at the following places!
Learn more by watching this short video!
And learn more about the accompanying videos here!
What Others Are Saying
The story of Hosea paints a stunning portrait of how God pursues the drifter and redeems the broken. Throughout this superb study, Sharla skillfully reminds us how God never fails to extend His loving grace every time we go spiritually AWOL. Through journaling, Scripture memorization, and honest insights, each chapter offers a fresh journey along antiquity’s roads to demonstrate that we cannot outrun God or His affections. Sharla’s study offered me much-needed space to dig deep into Scripture to discover once again that no matter how far I fall or how bad I mess up, God welcomes wanderers with His relentless love. ~Donna Snow, author, owner of Artesian Ministries
With wisdom and a sense of humor, Sharla Fritz brings the complex and confounding Book of Hosea to life. She skillfully combines modern-day stories, historic facts, and thoughtful questions to show us how this book of the Bible still speaks and calls each one of us to “live loved.” For those who want to go deeper, God’s Relentless Love also contains a study guide.
~Afton Rorvik, author of Storm Sisters: Friends through All Seasons
Prepare yourself for a gripping love story—a true tale of a prophet and a prostitute, an ancient account as applicable today as it was then, unpacked in a most wonderful way. Author Sharla Fritz has woven history and prophecy together with engaging explanation, detailed context, and contemporary true tales, creating a Bible study masterpiece about God’s Relentless Love. The story of Hosea’s unwavering love for his unfaithful wife is also the story of God’s relentless love for His rebellious people—His redeeming, restoring love for you and me in Christ. The message of this masterpiece is for anyone who has run after love, identity, or purpose apart from God, searching elsewhere in vain. God’s Relentless Love enabled me to recognize modern ideas of idolatry that I’ve tried on for size, the worldly ways and means I’ve turned to instead of God, and the times I’ve doubted His love or drifted in a destructive direction. Above all, it allowed me to see with greater clarity God’s unending pursuit, unlimited love, and unmatched mercy in Christ, my Savior! ~Deb Burma, author of Joy: A Study of Philippians; Living a Chocolate Life; Sip, Savor, and Drink Deeply; and others; retreat leader and Christian speaker
Listen to a Podcast About the Book!
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