We don’t have enough—enough time, money, clothes, Instagram followers, chocolate ice cream. Our lives are a constant comparison game, where we’re always one step behind the girl next door.
So we try everything in a desperate attempt to feel like we have enough. We buy more, we buy less. We work more, we work less. We get rid of items that don’t “spark joy.” We build a capsule wardrobe. We eat a plant-based diet.
But no matter what we do, we still feel empty. We crave something more.
Only God can satisfy the longing in our hearts for more. Enough for Now: Unpacking God’s Sufficiency explores the concept of enough. As you study the parable of the rich fool, you’ll learn to find full sufficiency in God alone—the only One who can satisfy our longings.

Unpacking the sufficiency of God will help you discover:
- enough money
- enough stuff
- enough food
- enough relationships
- enough time
- enough of me

What people are saying:
Why do we need think we need so much stuff? Why do we keep ourselves so busy? In her wise, biblically minded, practical voice, Sharla helps us all think through why we strive so hard to get “enough” in so many areas of our lives. And then she leads us step by step back to the cross, the one place we will truly find enough. Don’t miss this perspective-changing study! Afton Rorvik, author of Storm Sisters: Friends through All Seasons
Sharla’s done it again. It’s like she has a camera into my heart. She relates to the hurts, challenges, and frustrations of everyday life. She opens God’s Word and teaches me to dig deeper and absorb more. A broken wanter, messed-up desires, the God of sufficiency, enough for now . . . WOW! God fills every day with enough for now. When I quit trying to store up an abundance for the future and instead concentrate on the gifts God has given, my heart is full, my soul content; it’s enough! Thanks for once again speaking truth exactly where and when I needed to hear it. Teresa Nelson, LCMS Foundation
Thank you, Sharla Fritz, for writing a Bible study every one of us needs. We live in a culture of endless shopping, constant eating, exhausting busyness, and too many commitments. Collecting all this stuff isn’t working for us though. We’re already stuffed too full of clutter, food, and stress. In this insightful new study, your heart will be retuned to God’s truth. Your completeness is in your Savior’s love. Through His sacrifice on the cross, you are already enough. Christina Hergenrader, author of Family Trees and Olive Branches, Love Rules, and Last Summer at Eden
Whether you are reeling between the simplicity clause and the abundance dynamic, Sharla leads you thoughtfully through a powerful study that doesn’t heap platitudes or easy answers to our challenge of more and more. With transparent stories highlighting her own struggles, Sharla opens the door of possibility to a life that is “rich toward God.” How does a God of sufficiency meet us with an eternity mind-set, in the margin, to be exceptional in the ordinary? This study offers four levels of depth to move you gently along in a life of holy longing toward the “freedom of living a life of trust.” Connie Denninger, Visual Faith Ministry
In a world where we’re continually told we need more (more stuff, status, self-confidence), it’s no wonder we wrestle with having—and being—“enough.” Enticed by promises that “more” will satisfy what’s lacking in our lives, we attempt to fill a God-shaped hole with all kinds of things that don’t fit, and we’re left longing for more. Sharla speaks to our hearts as she tackles this timely topic with authenticity, truth, and grace! Through engaging stories and compelling Scripture study, Sharla provides tools
that help us discover what—and how much—is “enough.” Deb Burma, author of Joy
Spot-on relevance for Christ followers living in a self-focused, broken world. This engaging study pokes at the heart of a tough issue. Sharla Fritz draws readers to self reflection and growth with her transparent, genuine style. Whether you gather your friends for a deep dive or go this experience alone, the solid biblical base will support you in the journey. Linda Arnold, Women’s Leadership Institute
Who doesn’t struggle with feeling, having, or being enough? Sharla writes from an honest place about her own struggle for sufficiency. Her stories are relatable and engaging. There is room in the pages to engage with the text and guidance for group leaders to help digest the study’s contents thoroughly. Sharla provides a very thoughtful and purposeful approach to the content, and many will be blessed by her attention to detail and storytelling! Enough for Now provides practical insights and biblical applications for our own journey toward sufficiency and points to the only one who can provide it—Jesus! Darcy Paape, Women’s Leadership Institute
and author of Someone to Walk With