Encouragement is defined as “to inspire with courage, spirit, or hope.”
The prefix en means “to put into” and courage is defined as “mental or moral strength to venture, persevere, and withstand danger, fear, or difficulty.” Encouraging words put strength into another person’s spirit—strength to keep trying or to face their fears.
God knows our need for consolation, for inspiration. He knows the human need for someone to cheer us on when the going gets tough. So He tells us:
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
I think we all want to become people known for their uplifting words. But we might struggle to actually find those words.

When I’m at a loss for words, I have a few go-to words. If you need a little help finding inspiring words, here are my top five encouragement phrases:
- “I love the way you…” Compliment your child, spouse, or friend on a particular aspect of their work. Saying, “I love the way you used bright yellow in the picture you drew,” rather than, “I like your picture,” shows you are really paying attention to them. Telling your co-worker, “I love the way you organized the files” helps them feel appreciated. Letting your friend know, “I love the way you speak kindly to every server,” helps her see the effect of her efforts.
- “I believe in you.” Tell the people in your life that you are sure they can accomplish their task. Express your belief in them. Tell them, “You can do it!” Nothing chases doubt away faster than a vote of confidence from someone who knows you!
- “Thanks for your help.” Let someone know you appreciate what they have done for you. Tell the store clerk how helpful she was in finding just what you wanted. Thank your husband for tackling those weekend chores. Talk specifically about how each person’s work improved your day (or life!).
- “I love your …” Make someone smile. Compliment their hair, jewelry, clothing, nails …” It usually brings a grin to anyone’s face. Why do we neglect this opportunity to build someone up when it is such an easy thing to do?
- “You are…” Do you admire your friend’s generosity? Your child’s creativity? Your husband’s faithfulness? Have you told them? Let someone know the characteristics of their personality that you value. This phrase takes encouragement a bit deeper as we let others know that we notice more than their actions or outward appearance. We appreciate their character.
Next step: Try one of these encouragement phrases today. Pick one and aim to use it three times. Watch smiles happen! For more ideas on encouragement, check out 5 Creative Ways to Encourage Someone.
You are….wise, encouraging, gifted, beautiful, joy-filled, loved, thoughtful, and kind!
Love your encouragement posts!
Sweet blessings ~
CIndy 🙂