Praising God isn’t always easy in this troubled world. But I find help in Scripture when I praise God through the psalms.
King David wrote:
“I will bless the Lord at all times, his praise shall continually be in my mouth.” (Psalm 34:1)
To be honest, I don’t always feel like praising God so when I read David’s words in Psalm 34, “His praise shall continually be in my mouth,” I say, “Really David? Continually?”
Looking at this particular psalm, I see in the introduction that David wrote these words of praise after he had escaped from the king of Gath without harm. David often praised God for His power, strength, and protection after a victory.
However, David didn’t limit his praise time to periods of peace and joy; he praised God in tough situations as well. Many of the psalms begin with David wailing about his circumstances but end with praising adulation. So when I’m feeling heartsick, despondent, or just plain glum, I turn to the book of Psalms and use David’s words of praise when I can’t find any of my own.
Praising God in Good Times and Bad
Praising God in the good times reminds me that my blessings come from God. But even when I am not ecstatic about my circumstances, I can still praise God for His power to work everything out, for His wisdom and ability to see the situation from an eternal perspective, and for His comfort in the struggle.
Praising God in the tough times takes my eyes off myself and puts them back on God—where they belong. So even if I open the book of Psalms when I’m feeling like a gray November day, I close the book sensing God’s light penetrating my spirit. When I start out not feeling even a syllable of praise in my heart, I usually end up with songs of worship and joy percolating in my soul.
I am learning to praise God–continually.

Praise God through the Psalms
No matter what your mood or circumstance, you can find a psalm to help you find words of praise. Here are a few suggestions. Choose the psalm to match what your heart feels today.
When you feel joyful: Psalms 9, 16, 22, 33, 98, 126
When you are thankful: Psalms 100, 107, 118, 136, 138
When you are in awe of God: Psalms 8, 18, 19, 29, 103
When you feel sad or despondent: Psalms 30, 42, 43, 116, 143
When you are lonely: Psalms 27, 40, 68, 90
When you are in distress: Psalms 4, 24, 46, 102
When you need forgiveness: Psalms 32, 85, 103
When you are waiting: Psalms 27, 40, 130
When you feel afraid or anxious: Psalms 34, 37, 56, 91
Next step: Do you find it easy to praise God today? or difficult? Examine the emotions in your heart and find a psalm of praise to use today. Praise God continually! And if you would like a printable version of this list to keep with your Bible, click here.
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