Life is hectic and we all look for ways to make our days more productive and meaningful. One way I do this is through careful planning and strategizing.
To accomplish this, I often made New Year’s resolutions at the end of each year. As I put up a new calendar on my fridge, I made lists of goals and plans. (I love lists!) But most of the time what happened was that I made a beautiful plan for the new year–and then promptly forgot about it.
But now I’ve found some methods and routines that help me actually accomplish my goals. These habits help me have a meaningful life–and not just a productive one.
A Daily Routine
I learned about daily routines from Crystal Paine. A routine is simply a set of things that you do in the same order every day. Choosing to do what is important or useful and then developing the habit of doing those things every day helps me actually do what I intend. I already had a morning routine that consisted of exercise, breakfast, getting dressed, and a quiet time with God. But Crystal suggests also using afternoon and evening routines. So now I have developed a routine for the end of my workday. When I am ready to quit for the day, I:
- save the day’s work
- do a final check of email
- check my calendar for upcoming commitments
- neaten my desk
- shut down my computer
- say a prayer of thanks for work accomplished
My evening routine is:
- clean kitchen counters after dinner
- have time for reading
- lay out clothes for next day
- practice examen before I go to sleep
These simple routines help me end my day peacefully and start the day with a clean slate.
Weekly Review Time
The idea of a weekly review came from leadership expert Michael Hyatt. A weekly review is a specific time slot in your schedule set aside for evaluating the past week and setting up the next. During this time you will review:
- your goals
- the calendar for the next week
- your to-do lists (What did you accomplish? What do you plan to do next week?)
I love the concept of a weekly review. For two years I have tried (unsuccessfully) to incorporate them into my schedule. But this year I am making this a priority because I think it will help me stay focused on my goals. It will help me concentrate on what is important and not just what is urgent.

Monthly Personal Retreat
The daily routines and weekly reviews help me be productive and goal-oriented. But checking things off on a to-do list doesn’t guarantee a meaningful life. Planning and goal-setting don’t get me anywhere but lost and frustrated if I’m not following God’s plan for my life.
I am convinced that I need extended quiet time to connect with God to hear His voice and seek His will for my life. So I try to take one day (or one morning) out of each month for a personal spiritual retreat. I am learning this time away each month needs to be a priority. During this time I read my Bible, journal my concerns and questions, and wait for God’s answers. You can learn more and get your own Soul Spa Kit with 59 ideas for a personal retreat here.
Live Like I’m Loved
My type-A personality loves goals and plans. but lately, God has been teaching me that these can get in the way of my relationship with Him. I tend to base my self-worth in my accomplishments. When I check off everything on my to-do list, I feel good about myself. When I don’t, I feel like a failure.
But God is teaching me that my self-worth is not based in how many goals I can accomplish. My value comes from being a daughter of the Most High King. I’m finding that a meaningful life does not come from to-do lists, daily routines, weekly reviews, and monthly retreats–but from abiding in Christ’s love.
Jesus said,
As the Father loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love. John 15:9
Living in Jesus’ love is the best way to have a productive and meaningful year.
Next step: Start by posting John 15:9 somewhere you will see it every day to remind yourself to live loved. Then consider if a daily routine, weekly review, or monthly retreat might be useful for you.
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