True confession time. I love applause.
I suppose most of us want the approval of others. We want to be told we are doing a good job. We love it when people tell us we’ve made a difference in their lives.
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.
The trouble comes when I base all of my value on what others think of me.
Sometimes I don’t hear an “Atta girl!” for a long time. Often rejection slips pile up much higher than acceptance letters. There are long periods of time when I don’t get any applause. And then I get a little low. OK, more than a little. I can get downright depressed. I can wonder if I’m worth anything at all.

Lately, God has been teaching me a lot in Psalm 62. Verse 7 jumped off the page.
My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge.
God tapped my on the shoulder and said: Did you catch that? Your honor doesn’t depend on how many trophies you get. Or how loud the applause is. Your honor depends on Me. Because you are My daughter you are treasured. You are valuable in My sight.
Wow. I’m humbled. And a little embarrassed. Embarrassed because I realized something. When I need applause and approval from people in order to feel good about myself, I am, in effect, saying that they are more important than God. I am making their opinion more significant than God’s.
Father in heaven, I am sorry for when I make the approval and opinions of people more important than Yours. Help me to remember that my honor depends on You–not on trophies, acceptance letters, or applause. Thank you for accepting me because of Jesus. Amen.
Next step: What is your heart’s response to the fact that your honor depends on God?
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